Risk and Compliance
Tezauri Regulatory Reporting

Tezauri Regulatory Reporting is a fully featured solution oriented toward business users. It enables generation of regulatory reports on a daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis with possibility of using the system control mechanisms in order to check the accuracy of the reports. Reports are prepared during the night which gives business users the comfort of starting the working day with the review and analysis of finished reports. The final xml report in format prescribed by Central bank is automatically generated.
While data manipulation and aggregation logic in the reports is standard, business users can modify the report configuration – mostly the rules for matching source data to report positions, analyze source data, place predefined criteria, etc.
We have significant presence in the SEE region with the implementations in Serbia, Macedonia and Croatia. The system is compliant with EU reporting standards and easily adaptable to meet specific local requirements.
Key features
Daily report generation
- Reports are generated every morning, before working hours
Flexible and reusable report definition
- The same group of GL account matching rules can be used and maintained for positions repeated in multiple reports
Analysis and investigation of source data
- Supporting reports provide insight into detailed information behind aggregate report positions
Data validation, reconciliation and quality control rules
Generation of XML reports in prescribed format
Easy-to-use tools for custom reporting and data extraction
Reporting history
Business benefits
- Full Compliance with Regulatory Reporting requirements
- Improved control and automation of regulatory reporting process
- Efficient maintenance by empowered business users
- Ability to use the same consolidated data store for management reporting
Technology stack
- Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft SQL Server
Integration standard
- Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services