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Telenor banka and Asseco SEE at the Prestigious Finovate Conference

Telenor banka, together with Asseco SEE, showcased its heretofore work and announced future innovations at the prestigious international conference FinovateEurope. The presented innovation will enable Telenor banka’s customers to get customized offers by two industries in one place – telecommunications and banking.


Telenor banka, together with Asseco SEE, showcased its heretofore work and announced future innovations at the prestigious international conference FinovateEurope. The presented innovation will enable Telenor banka’s customers to get customized offers by two industries in one place – telecommunications and banking.

The complex IT solution, whose demo version was showcased, is an example of a fully automated and personalized online offer of purchase loans for smart devices, customized to the customers’ need in real time. This innovation will be an update of the existing offer of interest-free loans for purchasing devices from Telenor’s offer that the bank introduced at the beginning of December 2014.

“It is our great pleasure to see that Telenor banka has been recognised as one of the important innovations in banking and financial services in Europe in 2015. The showcased innovation is based on the advantages of direct banking technology and the possibilities it offers. This is a true example of local knowledge being competitive in the international market by idea and realisation,” says Martin Navratil, Chairman of the Executive Board at Telenor banka.

The Finovate audience had the opportunity to become familiar with fully mobile banking, which changes customer experience and reshapes financial services and products so that they are entirely customised for mobile device use.

“We are proud of the fact that we have provided the complete IT solution for the first direct bank in the SEE region, from the basic (core) banking system to all channels (mobile, e-banking and ATM network). We are particularly proud of the fact that we managed, together with Telenor Bank, to implement the first phase of this large project in only seven months” said Piotr Jeleński, the President of Asseco SEE Group’s Management Board and added: “Today we saw how complex IT solutions provide easy and simple user experience adjusted to clients’ needs.”

FinovateEurope 2015 gathered 70 companies, each of them having only 7 minutes to showcase the latest and most advanced innovations in the field of financial services.

“Every year at Finovate we get to see numerous interesting innovations in the domains of financial transactions, online banking, and sale through mobile devices. We are very pleased to have selected Telenor banka and Asseco SEE, who showcased their best and latest innovations at the conference,” says Erik Mattsson, CEO of Finovate. “It is our great pleasure to have had the chance to see in what way will the synergy of telecommunications and banking sectors expand to the finance market offers that are enabled by advanced banking technologies,” adds Mattsson.

Telenor banka and Asseco SEE will continue to work on solutions that meet the growing needs of customers for simple, easily accessible, and interactive financial services.


Complete 7 min presentation from Finovate:

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