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AB-SOLUT® core banking application at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank

Asseco SEE Romania has been successfully implemented AB-SOLUT® core banking application at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank

Asseco SEE Romania has been successfully implemented AB-SOLUT® core banking application at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank and Asseco SEE Romania announce the successful completion of the implementation of the new system AB-SOLUT® Core Banking Solution, an integrated next-generation banking software that provides the necessary support for conducting commercial banking business in terms of high performance.

The implementation project was carried out throughout 2013. As of January 2014, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank has all the trading  power given by the AB-SOLUT® platform. The new platform allows the bank to anticipate and meet the needs of customers more quickly, significantly increases productivity of the branch network by automating workflow and virtually eliminates the manually operator errors.

With the launch of this platform, which is more flexible and customizable, the bank will begin a series of projects that will bring many benefits to customers, both in launching new products and services and by improving some of the existing ones. The core banking solution has been developed by Asseco SEE Romania and represents the company’s respond to the requirements of existing performance and productivity in the banking market. The products` portfolio covers all areas of business in the financial services industry and Asseco staff`s specializations allow the implementation of solutions that meet the most demanding requirements.

Currently the AB-SOLUT® Core Banking platform is used by 11 banks in Romania, being the banking system with the largest share on the local market.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, is the local subsidiary of Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the major international banking groups, among leaders in Europe, providing services to 20 million customers. With a history of over 400 years, the Group is present in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, with over 1,500 units of Intesa Sanpaolo subsidiaries operating in 12 countries in the region. 

On the local market, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank has a nationwide network of approximately 76 units, about 800 employees and total assets exceeding 5 billion. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania offers its customers a full range of banking products, guaranteeing a high quality service for all customer segments (retail, SME and corporate).


