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Asseco SEE developed E-democracy Web Portal

Asseco SEE Macedonia has the pleasure to announce the successful completion of one of the region’s first E-democracy Web Portals, developed for and in cooperation with the Macedonian Ministry of Information Society and Administration.

Asseco SEE Macedonia has the pleasure to announce the successful completion of one of the region’s first E-democracy Web Portals, developed for and in cooperation with the Macedonian Ministry of Information Society and Administration. The project was contracted in November, 2011, and publicly launched at last week.

"The portal represents a modern method of public debate through which the citizens - through an easy and easily accessible means - can give their opinions about the government's proposed decisions and documents, as well as participate in the decision-making process," Information Minister Ivo Ivanovski told the SETimes.

The project was developed and executed by Asseco SEE’s Custom Application Services (CAS) team and it was one of the recent exciting joint ventures we have had with the public sector in the region. Asseco SEE  Macedonia is proud to be an active participant in the furthering of democratic process and looks forward to new projects and collaborations ahead. 
