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Asseco SEE Romania „Microsoft Best Performance in Medium Size Enterprise”

Asseco SEE Romania was awarded „Best Performance in Medium Size Enterprise in Fiscal Year 2013” during the Microsoft Club event, which takes place yearly to recognize best performing partners and present priorities for upcoming period.

Asseco SEE Romania was awarded „Best Performance in Medium Size Enterprise in Fiscal Year 2013” during the Microsoft Club event, which takes place yearly to recognize best performing partners and present priorities for upcoming period.

Daniela Scarlat, Software Sales Manager: „Medium enterprise segment is the most dynamic and chalenging part of Romanian market, which requires a complex sales process where proper software asset management and accurate licensing of Microsoft technologies are mandatory to allow each customer to choose the optimal licensing agreement, build and execute the best implementation plan and opt for most effective support and maintenance model. All those presales and support activities have constantly contributed in gaining new market share which pushed our company as a top performer in medium size enterprise segment. Microsoft has been and will remain a strategic partner for Asseco SEE and we will continue to focus our efforts in line with Microsoft strategic directions: Devices and Solutions, Public Cloud: Office 365 and Azure Platform, Private Cloud and Mobility”.

Microsoft - Asseco SEE Romania Partnership
Large Account Reseller with following local competences:


  • Gold Software Asset Management 
  • Gold Volume Licensing
  • Gold Management and Virtualization
  • Gold Data Platform
  • Silver Server Platform
  • Silver Messaging
  • Silver Communications
