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Asseco SEE in Croatia Finished Implementation of ASEBA PKI CMS in Privredna banka Zagreb

Asseco SEE's solution for PKI smart card management and issuing of certificates has been successfully implemented in Privredna banka Zagreb, member of Intesa SanPaolo group.

Asseco SEE's solution for PKI smart card management and issuing of certificates has been successfully implemented in Privredna banka Zagreb, member of Intesa SanPaolo group.

Asseco SEE in Croatia, an expert in the field of PKI SmartCard Digital Signature and Encryption solutions, has successfully finished the implementation of ASEBA PKI CMS in Privredna banka Zagreb. ASEBA PKI CMS solution enables universal access to different resources with one card or credential. Users can authenticate themselves when accessing PC, server, network, application, facility door or copier, they can sign emails digitally or encrypt data, and use the same strong credential to access IT systems and buildings. Within Privredna banka Zagreb, the solution will be used by 3.500 employees.

ASEBA PKI CMS offers support for issuance and storage of certificates on different crypto devices which are used today for creation of electronic signatures (standard and qualified).

The solution acts as a central management system which utilizes PKI CA, user registration repositories and crypto devices. Depending upon registration model, certificates can be issued on cards at the central location or users can get cards that are not initialized and register and issue certificates remotely.
