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Asseco SEE in Serbia organized “Socializing with Celebrities” Event at Neglected Children’s Home

As a company that incorporates goals of socially responsible business deeply into its business philosophy, Asseco SEE seeks to actively participate in humanitarian activities in order to provide aid to the most unprotected population. Guided by these goals, on the last day of December 2010, Asseco SEE in Serbia organized a day for “Socializing with Celebrities” at the Home for Neglected Children with Disabilities in Sremčica.

As a company that incorporates goals of socially responsible business deeply into its business philosophy, Asseco SEE seeks to actively participate in humanitarian activities in order to provide aid to the most unprotected population. Guided by these goals, on the last day of December 2010, Asseco SEE in Serbia organized a day for “Socializing with Celebrities” at the Home for Neglected Children with Disabilities in Sremčica.

In addition to Company’s representatives, the event was attended by celebrities from the spheres of sports and entertainment, and, as the representatives of the Home pointed out, apart from donations, these social activities were very important for the psychosocial development of the institution’s protégés. Over the years of cooperation, Asseco SEE in Serbia had organized the implementation of various humanitarian projects at the Home, and so, in 2010, the renovation of the men’s bathroom and fence installation were completed.

Since such a practice has been recognized within Asseco SEE in Serbia as particularly important, both due to improving the humanitarian activity in the community and the development of corporate awareness of the needs of the society we belong to, the Company plans to be engaged in a greater number of humanitarian projects in various fields in 2011.
