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Asseco SEE’s Solution for Basel III in 10 Banks in Serbia

After the big financial crisis in 2008, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) responded by introducing a new standard in order to make global banking more resilient to financial and economic turmoil – Basel III.

As an extension of the existing Basel II Framework, Basel III brings new capital and liquidity standards to strengthen the regulation, supervision, and risk management of the whole banking and finance sector.

Since the deadline for introducing this standard in Serbia is approaching (July 2017), banks are actively preparing for it. In Q2 Asseco SEE has implemented its Basel III compliant solution, Tezauri Risk, in 7 banks on the market, with three more to follow in Q3.

Tezauri Risk Basel III is a suite of Asseco SEE’s Risk Management solutions, which helps banks not only to fulfill compliance requirements and run sophisticated risk analytics, but also to achieve a strategic advantage through the improvement of risk management processes and the ability to make risk-informed business decisions.
