Recruitment Process

Recruitment in Asseco SEE is based on one of several recruitment activities:
Recruitment campaigns(Career Days, Job Fair, Cooperation with Universities, Scholarship Program for the best students) | Recruitment advertising via third party channelsCurrent Job Openings on job offers and internal Database |
The 1st stage
Analysis of applications
Applications are selected, analyzed, and verified by the Selection and Recruitment Specialist with respect to the requirements stated in the job vacancy.
The 2nd stage
The Assessment Center
Individual and group exercises or Competency Based Interviews are designed to help the assessors evaluate the participants in accordance with a previously designed list of key soft competencies (work orientation, problem solving, communication and teamwork skills…). A valid and objective assessment enables our HR Professionals to understand the full potential of the candidate and to give insight into how a person prefers to behave at work (what is their work style, how they manage, communicate, what kind of relationships they build with clients, person’s strengths and limitations) and the competencies (characteristics, attitude, skills, behavior styles, habits) he/she demonstrates. The results from the assessment center are a detailed description of the behavior of the participants and further assist in creating an individual training and development plan.
The 3rd stage
Skill and knowledge tests
Candidates who positively pass the first two stages, take a technical skills and knowledge examination: a test or interview designed to determine whether or not an individual has the requisite level of skill and knowledge required to effectively perform at their job.
In accordance with the overall results, the final decision about employment is made by a team manager or department director.