Addiko Bank Serbia Secures their Clients during Online Payment with Multitenant and Hosted Asseco SEE 3D Secure Platform

From now on Addiko Bank Serbia fully protects their clients against online fraud by authentication with PIN and SMS One Time Password. This advanced protection is result of using the Asseco SEE 3-D Secure ACS hosting service. Addiko Bank Serbia is the second bank within the Addiko Group which has been onboarded to this multitenant hosting service of Asseco SEE.
As part of the onboarding process, Addiko Bank Serbia successfully verified for the MasterCard Identity Check certification. This was an acknowledgement of the functional and technological superiority of the TriDES product, which the ACS hosting service had been built on. TriDES ACS performed the MC IdentityCheck strong two-factor authentication and met the other progressive technical and process-related requirements without any software upgrades.
As a real multitenant solution, TriDES ACS can serve multiple financial institutions on the same instances, considering all security, data confidentiality, user access rights and administration requirements. By using the Asseco SEE ACS hosting service instead of in-house implementation, issuing institutions minimize time to market, reduce investment and operational costs for 3D secure compliance, and at the same time provide their customers with ultimate fraud protection during online payment. The quality of our ACS hosting service as a highly configurable off-the-shelf product is additionally proven by the fact that there is a pipeline of 20+ issuer institutions which have recognized our hosting benefits and are being onboarded to the Asseco SEE ACS hosting service in H1/2018.
Asseco SEE is approved by MasterCard and VISA as a SecureCode and VerifiedByVISA compliant ACS service provider. As a roadmap toward 3D Secure 2.0 which is scheduled for year 2019, MasterCard has introduced a new 3D Secure program called MasterCard IdentityCheck. It complies with strong authentication requirements of the PSD2 regulative, but also improves end user experience by deploying risk assessment and frictionless authentication.
If you have any questions regarding our 3D Secure products or hosting services, or you need advice from our expert team, please feel free to contact your Asseco Key Account Manager or contact us at