Another Promising Start Of The Year With Double Digit Growth In Q1

Message from Piotr
We started this year with Q1 2002 financial results which were again better than in the corresponding period of the previous year. Our sales revenues grew by 21% and operating profit by 19% thanks to a bigger scale of operations in Payment and Dedicated solutions. Payten grew significantly in e-Commerce, but it was also a good quarter for Processing and traditionally solid growth was delivered by POS related services. Whereas Dedicated solutions grew, among others, in ITS – Intelligent Transport Systems - which includes highways, tunnels, smartcity solutions. This year we have already signed interesting new contracts about which you can read in the current issue of our newslleter along the stories on the new security website launched by us and a successful co-operation with one of the Croatia’s oldest banks Podravska Banka within the digitalisation of the bank. You will also find there news on Turkey’s leading insuretech company Polisoft which has selected Payten’s online payments solution MSU-Merchant Safe Unipay - to manage the payments of the agencies and brokers. Through the integration of the MSU payment gateway and the card vaulting the insurance agencies and brokers using Polisoft will be able to offer one-click payments to their clients as well as to collect payments via 3D Secure and issue policies. Within Processing, on the other hand, Chip Card, member of Payten, has recently implemented e-commerce service to a client in Serbia – Halkbank JSC Belgrade. The completion of this project enables Halkbank to offer the e-commerce payment solution for its merchant clients. Additionally to achieve high-availability services for its processing clients, Chip Card has successfully implemented the so-called Active-Active Authentication System, which ensures the parallel work of two processing locations that are identical concerning hardware and software, yet physically independent of each other. Having such system will bring significant competitive advantage to the company and ensure support for the planned growth in the years to come.
Check out information on the security products we launched within 20+ years of experience on the new web page and give us feedback.
If you want to find out how to protect your mobile application with high-level security mechanisms, read our eBook covering the latest mobile app statistics and threats insights.
Piotr Jeleński
ASEE & Payten Group CEO