ASEE’s Fidelity is live in all branches of Is Bank Turkey

Istanbul- ASEE announced today that Is bank in Turkey started using Fidelity for Real Estate and Construction management services in 1300+ branches in Turkey. With the solution, owned and leased real estate entities and construction projects are to be managed end to end in all branches.
Is bank Real Estate and Construction Management Services Department Manager Murat Karluk Çetinkaya” We looked for an integrated structure to carry on the real estate and construction project processes within the bank. In addition, it was critical for us to gain cost advantage while managing all processes. After searching for a solution, we preferred Fidelity with important references in Turkey.
Yosun Ekmen, ASEE Sales Manager, said “Fidelity has been preferred by 7 banks in Turkey. We are proud to cooperate with our valued partner Is Bank. With the valuable support of İs bank and ASEE business units, we have established an integrated and scalable platform covering all branches. Thus, we optimized all real estate and construction project processes within the bank and carried them to an integrated structure”.
Yosun Ekmen added “During the pandemic where remote work has become widespread, our technology team has developed "Fidelity Mobile", which offers all functions from mobile. Especially "Manager Cockpit" has been designed to provide dynamic reporting tools to the management level. In this way, all business processes can be managed remotely by users.”