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ASEPA CM Solution for Public Sector Awarded at a Prestigious USA IT Fair

ASEPA Correspondence Management (ASEPA CM) software developed by engineers of Asseco SEE, which represents one of currently most comprehensible system solutions for public sector document management, was awarded as the most innovative at a prestigious IT fair in Las Vegas organized by the most successful company for information management - EMC.

ASEPA Correspondence Management (ASEPA CM) software developed by engineers of Asseco SEE, which represents one of currently most comprehensible system solutions for public sector document management, was awarded as the most innovative at a prestigious IT fair in Las Vegas organized by the most successful company for information management - EMC. ASEPA CM has already been successfully implemented in the Republic Agency for Electronic Telecommunications (RATEL), and it is expected that this sophisticated solution shall be exported throughout our region, to other European countries.

Vladan Atanasijevic, Asseco SEE said “In order to develop the public sector document management software solution efficiently, we had to follow the latest global practice in this area, and to identify the real requirements and demands at the local level. We have devoted special attention to adjust to the standards applied in the European Union“, and added “This award represents a great acknowledgement for engineers who worked on ASEPA CM development“.

Michael Kan, Director of Channels and Alliances for EMEA of EMC’s Information Intelligence Group said “Real innovations in contents management have transformed the industry and business processes, and they have brought considerable benefits to our global customers and their businesses,” and added “Asseco SEE has shown a great value to our customers and extraordinary commitment. We are very pleased to award them as innovators and respectful partners”.

Thanks to ASEPA CM solution, all users can simply access all the services on-line, and communication with the public sector institutions has become easier regardless the communication channels. The working processes have become fully automated, requiring less human effort, and therefore they cost less, with simultaneous increase of service volume and quality. Usage of this system has considerably improved document storing efficiency and security, too. 

ASEPA CM Solution is fully in compliance with e-Government principals, whose main purpose is faster and more efficient functioning of public services. Based on global standards, a unique measure that an institution has made a progress is their usage of electronic services in day-to-day business. Introduction of e-Government cannot be one institution’s project, but it requires engagement of a greater number of institutions, so that currently the problem lays in the fact that there is no coordinated effort of all institutions which would enable more efficient realization of favorable results.
