Asseco SEE and Intesa Sanpaolo Group Italy Signed Agreement for Delivery of Mobile Banking and Authentication solution

The mobile banking and authentication project is part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s internal digital transformation project called Digical which covers 5 markets
The mobile banking and authentication project is part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s internal digital transformation project called Digical which covers 5 markets
The agreement between Asseco SEE and the Intesa Sanpaolo Group covers the delivery of the mobile banking and authentication solution in the period of 3 years in 5 banks: Privredna banka Zagreb Croatia, Intesa Sanpaolo banka Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banca Intesa Serbia, CIB Bank Hungary and Alexbank Egypt. The goal of the project is to develop an application with sophisticated technical architecture, innovative mobile features and visionary approach to user experience which should help the Intesa Sanpaolo Group stand out and position itself on the fast growing and demanding markets.
It is expected that this project will strengthen the partnership between the Asseco SEE Group and the Intesa Sanpaolo Group on the markets where the collaboration already exists, and open up new possibilities for collaboration on the markets where the collaboration has not started yet.