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Asseco SEE at Cisco Day 2015

As emphasized by Asseco SEE at Cisco Day 2015, the state-of-the-art data centers (IT centers for data storing and processing) in Serbia are used both in private and public sectors, providing their users with high data processing speed, operational time savings, and cost reduction.



As emphasized by Asseco SEE  at Cisco Day 2015, the state-of-the-art data centers (IT centers for data storing and processing) in Serbia are used both in private and public sectors, providing their users with high data processing speed, operational time savings, and cost reduction. Company's experts used this opportunity to present their experiences regarding implementation of state-of-the-art data centers in the local market environment. 

“Back in the past data centers were time consuming in terms of data processing, expensive, inflexible and difficult to maintain. They have changed revolutionary with the introduction of server virtualization which brought many benefits and enabled faster and simpler data management. The entire process was additionally improved with desktop virtualization whose advantages are fast and simple implementation of new work stations, data loss impossibility, easy maintenance and support”, Marko Todorović of Asseco SEE said and added “Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) brings flexibility, scalability and extraordinary performance to all its users, both globally and in Serbia. In today’s world of demanding applications, virtual machines migration, transfer of high-quality videos, and therefore huge data quantities, speed is the key factor for optimum functioning of a data center”.

At the Cisco Day conference there were presented the latest technological achievements and future business improvement trends. The conference gathered technological experts, business people and IT engineers from most successful domestic and foreign companies.

