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Asseco SEE is implementing a Mobile Token Solution at Intesa San Paolo Bank in Romania

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank has implemented a mobile token application that addresses all of the bank's internet banking users.

The application is available for any phone, including those of "smart" operating system IOS (iPhone) and Android. Internet connection is required only for initial downloading applications and operating offline.

The solution is provided by Asseco SEE, IT company specializing in the banking sector. Software to generate security codes are installed on the mobile phone, practically replacing  digipass device type (hard token).

The application generates code OTP (One Time Password) to authenticate the application code and MAC (Message Authentication Code) digital signature necessary for payment instructions.

“Our colleagues from Asseco SEE Croatia developed several Mobile Banking solutions which we have started to promote them together in Romania and our common effort leads to first successful implementation. It was an activity that involved the  team of specialists from Croatia, led by my colleague Igor Grzalja", said Adrian Nastase, Account Manager, Business Unit Mobile & Authentication Solutions Asseco SEE.

"This  cooperation is part of the  main direction for the entire group Asseco, which has had a constant synergistic component, so successful solutions in certain markets developed by local entities within ASEE are promoted in other countries. Colleagues from Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, as well as from other groups like Asseco Central Europe, are frequently coming to Romania to promote together their applications. In our turn, expertise of  Asseco SEE Romania are disseminated in other markets in the region, Moldova, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo are good  examples in this regard. And we are just at the beginning. It is a new experience for us, but it has proved to be necessary, useful and efficient both in business plan, and in the technology area as well".

Asseco SEE` portfolio includes a large range of Mobile Banking Applications:

  • Single point of strong authentication solutions (hardware token, EMV CAP, mobile token, SMS)
  • PKI SmartCard digital signature and encryption solutions
  • E-commerce 3D Secure Solutions 
  • Contact Center solutions
  • Personal Finance Management Solutions

At the Asseco South Eastern Group` level there are a solid expertise, competences and successful implementation in many banking areas: Core Banking, Card, Payment Gateway, Call Center Solutions, Insurance Applications, in all markets in the area.

Asseco SEE Romania, which is one of the most important and strong IT systems, solutions and aesrives providers, as well as banking software developers in Romania`s IT market, has been operating under this trade name since 2010, being the result of a M&A process (Net Consulting, FIBA Software and Probass were acquired) started by  Polish Asseco Group in 2007. It has been part of Asseco South Eastern Europe group, which includes business entities in 13 countries, beeing one of the strongest IT vendors in the area.

