Asseco SEE Offers New Proprietary Products to the BPM Market
The BPM concept was often included in a stereotype, for automation purposes, which is not wrong in essence, but like all stereotypes it covers the overall impact and degree of innovation which a BPM system is capable of. BPM projects are also often implemented to automate routine tasks as well as to optimize some burdensome processes which generate high costs within the organisation, including banks.
The concept treats the internal processes of an entity as some strategic assets that must be well understood, well managed and continuously improved to provide value-added products and services to end customers. This is, according to some analysts, a Total Quality Management methodology applied through technology.
The BPM concept initially focused on automation of business processes using information technology. Nowadays this concept is greatly expanded for integration with processes run by people, where human interaction takes place in series or in parallel with the use of technology. Asseco SEE addressed precisely this area of human-technology interaction when developing the new solutions.
“Considering the customer needs and new trends for 2016 in terms of process automation, Asseco SEE aims to rethink the approach of BPM projects by generating new proprietary products: Asseco DAES (Digital Account Enrolment System) and Asseco CLM (Contracts Lifecycle Management)“, said Andrei Paraschiv, Business Automation Manager at Asseco SEE.
The two products are founded on four main concepts that will be the basis of the following implementations for 2016. It refers to the "extreme" collaboration within the organization, to the real-time combination of "analytics" functionality with BPM systems, to the so-called IBO (Intelligent Business Operations) concept, and last but not least, to the reduction of the costs while increasing efficiency.
Asseco DAES and Asseco CLM, tools for future Digital Bank
"Asseco DAES represents another real step proposed to the market by Asecco SEE for future Digital Bank” says Andrei Paraschiv. "The platform is based on the latest web technologies and it integrates the bank’s internal systems (Core Banking, Card Issuance Application, Garnishment Applications, KYC, FATCA, CRM) with the Business Process Management area and has multilingual supports”.
The system centrally manages business areas within the bank, such as natural person customer enrollment area, current account banking products area and the area of products or services attached to them. The product has been designed to process and integrate information available on various platforms built by famous international companies. During the activity carried out for the bank's customers, the system digitizes data customers, integrates key processes related to customer enrollment within the financial-banking institution, automatically generates enrollment documents and provides support for scanning and storage thereof.
In its turn, Asseco CLM is a mature and effective product for the management, approval and archiving of contracts within medium and large companies, which provides a 360⁰ view of all information under a contract (vendor information, documents, audit). The contracts management and approval platform has multiple modules that interact to generate a unique experience in the operation of documents related to sales activity.
It refers to the processes design and management module, compliant with BPMN2.0 standard, to documents (contracts) version comparison module, to contracts automatic generation module based on predefined templates, to digital signature module of documents using qualified or “self-signed” certificates, to a library of clauses specific to the legal department, to the automatic import module of contracts archive existing in the organisation, to the module of integration with “Enterprise Content Management” systems, and last but not least to the module of integration with the documents scanning system – Kofax.
"We are convinced that the uptake by customers of the solutions developed by our specialists will help them streamline their business and be more confident about the transition to a digital future, a future which means particular challenges for the financial and banking environment” - added Andrei Paraschiv.