Asseco SEE reconfirmed as leader in the network of Microsoft partners, after 2015 fiscal year

Asseco SEE Romania was reconfirmed as a leader in the Microsoft partner network, being awarded two important distinctions at the event “Microsoft Club”, organized annually to recognize the performances of top partners, but also to present main business directions and development opportunities.
Asseco SEE Romania was reconfirmed as a leader in the Microsoft partner network, being awarded two important distinctions at the event “Microsoft Club”, organized annually to recognize the performances of top partners, but also to present main business directions and development opportunities.
The two awards, Best Performance in Enterprise Segment – for the promotion of Microsoft technology in the big enterprises’ segment and Best Performance in New Enterprise Agreements – for the biggest number of new open type Enterprise Agreement contracts were granted to Asseco SEE Romania in recognition of its results obtained during Microsoft fiscal year 2015 (July 2014 – June 2015).
„We are honored that, during the last 10 years, we have succeeded in achieving all the performance criteria imposed by Microsoft and thus we have been confirmed, each year, as a strategic integrator in the top of the partner eco-system. Our collaboration with Microsoft results from our strategy of having the most important IT solution and service providers worldwide as business partners, representing one more guarantee of Asseco’s professionalism” declared Daniela Scarlat, Software Sales Manager, Asseco SEE Romania.
Asseco SEE in Romania has the status of Microsoft Licensing Solutions Partner (former known as Large Account Reseller), with the following local competences:
- Gold Cloud Platform
- Gold Cloud Productivity
- Gold Software Asset Management
- Gold Volume Licensing
- Gold Data Center
- Silver Data Platform
- Silver Communications
- Silver Messaging