Asseco SEE Wins 2017 Stock Exchange Company Prize

Warsaw, 27 March 2018: Asseco South Eastern Europe Group, (GPW: ASEECOSEE, ASE) has won the Prize of 2017 Stock Exchange Company (6th place among 10 winners). Moreover ASEE has ranked 3rd in categories Management Board’s Competence and Prospects for Growth and 7th in the Products and Services Innovation.
Accepting the Awards at the Gala at the Grand Theatre and National Opera in Warsaw Group President of Management Board of Asseco South Eastern Europe Piotr Jeleński said: - 2017 was exceptionally good for Asseco SEE as it was the second year in a row with the highest financial results in the history of the company. Therefore I am especially pleased with these Awards as they mean that both our activities and results as well as the directions our business is heading in but also open and solid communication with the market have been noticed and appreciated by the market. I would like to thank the analysts participating in the survey for their appreciation but also ASEE employees for everyday implementation of the Company’s strategy and for achieving good results and making this success possible.
About the ranking
Stock Exchange Company of the Year ranking has been ordered by „Puls Biznesu” business daily for the 19th time already. This time Kantar TNS asked 65 experts who have influence on investors’ decisions – analysts, advisors and brokers. The experts evaluated which company had the most competent Management Board, had the biggest success in 2017, the best quality of products and services, best investor relations and the most interesting prospects for development. Based on the marks in these 5 categories the main ranking has been created – 2017 Stock Exchange Company. A full list of winners can be seen under the following link: