Contact Center for Agency for Real Estate Cadastre

During 2014 Agency for Real Estate Cadastre in Macedonia linked all notary offices, municipalities, surveying companies and executives with an electronic counter.
During 2014 Agency for Real Estate Cadastre in Macedonia linked all notary offices, municipalities, surveying companies and executives with an electronic counter.
This connection will allow them to perform the issuance of title deeds and other information from the land, registration of contracts for purchase, registration of newly constructed buildings, and many other services directly from the notary offices, municipalities, geodetic companies, decreasing by 50% the need for citizens to come in person to Cadastre.
This type of electronic operation entailed the need for internal reorganization of the Agency’s section for the users who prefer to receive services electronically at the Agency.
In order to meet the new requirements from May 2014, the Agency invested in a new sophisticated software solution for contact center and customer experience by Asseco SEE Macedonia which acts as integration point for all communication channels that are used in this modern day living. This application had already been used in NLB Tobacco bank, ProCredit Bank, "Ramstore" and other major companies in Macedonia, as well as companies in the region.
After 9 months of using and adapting the solution to the users, today the Agency for Real Estate has a modern contact center that is in service of citizens and professional users.