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Document Processes for Financial Institutions

Asseco SEE organized an important IT event in Romania: Document Processes for Financial Institutions


The event was organized together with Mediafax (largest media agency in Romania) and in partnership with Fujitsu PFU and EMC. It aimed to offer details about the application developed by Asseco SEE (Serbia) for the management and modeling of business processes for financial institutions. ASEE`s product has been developed to.

Nenad Maric, Solution Sales Specialist, ASEE Serbia:
„The event in Bucharest allowed us to present "ASEBA Banking Process Suite”, a solution developed in Asseco SEE`s competence centers and dedicated to financial and banking institutions which permanently face great challenges in business development, Asseco experience gained in many projects gives our company an extremely important competitive advantage in the market. Meanwhile, the same experience gained in such a harsh environment allowed us to propose the same kind of solution in other areas such as public administration, firms in the Enterprise etc."

Mihai Babescu, Solution Sales, Asseco SEE Romania:
“Application`s  performance generated a high interest among the participants. Specialists interested in optimizing document flows and  improving relationship with client attended the event.”

Wilhelm Gassner, International Sales Director, Fujitsu PFU: 
"Partnership with Asseco means very much for Fujitsu PFU, because ASEE`s strong potential to promomote our company`s large proptfolio of new and modern equipment in imaging area.  Such a partnership created extremely important projects for clients such as banks, which certainly helps Fujitsu to growth its marketshare in Romania.”

Nica Doru, EMC Romania: 
„Partnership with Asseco has been extremely important for EMC. Practicaly, our partnner brings with a strong experience and know-how in the financial area and configurated our Document Management Platform to respond to any banks` requests. Banks have been in a permanent process to adapt to new banks` demands and to have a Document Management platform is a must. That`s why EMC invested more than 200 mil. $ to make ASSE`s software platform more flexible."



