ING Bank Will Have Asseco See As Main Provider For Eft Pos Payment Terminals In Romania

Asseco SEE in Romania has signed an agreement with ING Bank Romania for several projects that will enable to reshape the bank’s payment terminals network, both for the corporate and retail divisions.
Asseco SEE in Romania has signed an agreement with ING Bank Romania for several projects that will enable to reshape the bank’s payment terminals network, both for the corporate and retail divisions. ING Bank is the first international financial institution that opened a division in Romania after 1989, with a strong position on the local market.
Within the contract Asseco SEE provides a package of services, its proprietary software, contactless equipment (terminals and pin-pads) and associated maintenance for the ING Bank in Romania. Over 5000 Ingenico terminals will be installed by December 2015. ING Bank Romania, as a bank of reference and innovation in Romania, which creates models in the banking evolution, has already begun to benefit from the partnership with Asseco SEE.
This project has increased the market share of Asseco SEE on the Romanian IT market. With this agreement the IT integrator has strengthened its position in providing payment solutions which were among the most successful in 2014.