Newly opened Ziraat Bank in Montenegro chooses Asseco SEE as a partner for core banking

One of the leaders in banking sector in Turkey, Ziraat Bank, decided to expand its operations in the Balkans by opening a new subsidiary in Podgorica, Montenegro.
One of the leaders in banking sector in Turkey, Ziraat Bank, decided to expand its operations in the Balkans by opening a new subsidiary in Podgorica, Montenegro. The bank has chosen Asseco SEE's ASEBA PUB 2000 Core Banking solution for its division in Montenegro.
The implementation of ASEBA PUB 2000 was successfully completed in less than 3 months, and the Bank officially started to work in July 2015. Thanks to the Asseco SEE’s ASEBA PUB 2000 Core Banking solution the Bank has achieved a full compliance with local regulations and applications in Montenegro. Core banking systems are the heart of modern banking and with ASEBA PUB 2000 Ziraat Bank is able to provide a wide range of high quality services to its customers in the area of corporate and retail banking.
This contract has strengthened Asseco SEE’s leading position on the Montenegrin banking market as well as expanded its co-operation with Ziraat Bank.