OTP Banka Croatia and KentBank Introduced Wincor Nixdorf ATMs into their ATM Networks, Primorska banka Implemented the Asseco POS Outsourcing Model

OTP Banka Croatia and KentBank have upgraded their ATM networks by means of new Wincor Nixdorf ATMs.
OTP Banka Croatia and KentBank have upgraded their ATM networks by means of new Wincor Nixdorf ATMs. In addition to the standard cash-out services, available to the clients 24/7, the new ATMs offer the possibility of making cash-in transactions.
Besides in OTP Banka Croatia and KentBank, the Wincor Nixdorf cash-in/cash-out ATMs have been installed in eight other Croatian banks, which confirms Asseco SEE's leading position on the self-service banking devices market.
Having in mind the quality of Asseco SEE's services in the field of EFTPOS terminals, which, among other things, include both the application and servicing, Primorska banka decided to replace its existing service provider with Asseco SEE. The migration was performed in the fourth quarter of 2015. Today Primorska banka boasts a completely new network of Ingenico POS terminals with the Asseco SEE POS application which has been harmonized with all regulations in force, as defined by the relevant card associations. Apart from Primorska banka, six other Croatian banks use the Asseco SEE POS outsourcing model.