Asseco SEE will provide services for Presidential Elections in Romania (November 22nd). Company will provide organization and operation of processing stations in 48 territorial locations and one at Central Election...
On 28 October 2009 shares of Asseco South Eastern Europe (Asseco SEE) have been for the first time quoted on the stock exchange. The Company's shares are listed under the name of ASSECOSEE and their ticker is ASE.
IBM Forum 09 with headline “Let build smarter planet” was held on 19th October in Hyatt Regency Hotel, Belgrade. Asseco SEE in Serbia was a Platinum sponsor of this event.
Asseco SEE in Serbia has signed a contract for implementation of Empirum, software for total lifecycle management for networked devices, with Univerzal bank Belgrade.
The 13th IS DOS (Information System of the State Administration in Republic of Serbia) e-Government conference was held on 6th and 7th October in Belgrade.