PCI DSS Certificate Granted To Asseco SEE in Serbia
PCI DSS Certificate, i.e. the certificate of compliance with PCI DSS standards, is related to raising the level of security prescribed by leading card organizations, such as VISA, MasterCard, etc. Being granted the said Certificate by a certified auditor (QSA), Asseco SEE in Serbia continues its activities with regard to keeping abreast of the latest technologies and meetings its clients’ requests.
PCI DSS Certificate, i.e. the certificate of compliance with PCI DSS standards, is related to raising the level of security prescribed by leading card organizations, such as VISA, MasterCard, etc. Being granted the said Certificate by a certified auditor (QSA), Asseco SEE in Serbia continues its activities with regard to keeping abreast of the latest technologies and meetings its clients’ requests.
“We are very proud that, as the first company in the region dealing with maintenance, development, and delivery of ATM and POS terminals, we have successfully overcome the obstacles, in not such a smooth path, to establishing compliance of our business activities with the PSI DSS standard. Observing strict requests imposed by VISA and MasterCard in relation with storing, processing and distributing sensitive data about a card user (card number, expiry date, cryptographic elements, etc.) and being the PCI DSS certified company, we assure our clients that they do not have to take care of card data security, but can focus on their primary activity and thereby generate higher profit,” said Igor Matijaš, Technical Manager and Project Manager for the introduction of the PCI DSS standard into Asseco SEE in Serbia.