Piotr Jeleński the Most Effective CEO in 2017

Warsaw, 18 April 2018: Piotr Jeleński, CEO of Asseco South Eastern Europe S.A. , (GPW: ASEECOSEE, ASE), ranked first in the „Most Effective CEOs in 2017” in the sWiG80 stock exchange companies category.
About the ranking
The list was prepared by the editorial staff of Harvard Business Review Poland and Dom Maklerski TMS Brokers in cooperation with the Association of Individual Investors (SII). The ranking evaluated Warsaw Stock Exchange companies from 3 indexes: WiG20, mWiG40 and sWiG80 and was prepared on the basis of four main criteria: return rate for shareholders, capitalization, company transparency and financial ratios.
The whole ranking is available at: https://www.hbrp.pl/b/efekt-prezesa-wielosezonowego/PlLbo5TMn