Podravska Banka has Partnered with ASEE to Ensure Prime Digital UX

Podravska banka (POBA) offers its customers a superior digital banking experience through a new mobile application and online banking – POBAgo & POBAklik. In collaboration with ASEE, POBA has enhanced its existing e-banking services by introducing new technologies. As a result of the implementation of ASEE’s Digital Edge and Digital Origination products, banks business operations have been improved and automated.
"We're delighted to be POBA's digital partner. POBA introduced modern Web and mobile banking specifically tailored for their retail clients and corporate segments using ASEE's omnichannel solutions. With its extensive range of touchpoint applications and ample digital engagement capabilities, all supported and connected through a single hub, Digital Edge provides brand new possibilities for bank to operate in a completely reinvented way", said Igor Gržalja, president of the ASEE Croatia management board.
"We are committed to providing our clients with a cutting-edge digital experience, and we will continue to do so relying on our partnership with ASEE, one of the leading European IT companies with extensive experience in digitalizing the banking sector", said Saša Lončarić, POBA's Executive Director ICT. "Our corporate clients can now take full advantage of the most advanced mobile banking technology and manage their businesses from their smartphones, eliminating the need to visit the bank", added Lončarić.
POBA and ASEE will collaborate further in the coming months to implement digital onboarding for new clients. The process will be completely paperless with ID document capture, video identification, and electronic signing in accordance with regulations, all thanks to Digital Origination.
The advancement of digital banking and the more intensive digitalization of processes coincide with the 150th anniversary of one of the Croatia's oldest banks, which has positioned itself as a modern financial institution.