Starting 2022 almost the Right Way

Message from Piotr
We have just published ASEE Group 2021 annual results which were again better than in the previous year. Operating profit grew by 22% compared with the previous year. This success was the result of both organic growth and acquisitions. In 2021 we bought 7 companies increasing our competences in the areas strategic for us such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, traffic management and monitoring systems, smart city solutions, e-commerce and business process management. In this newsletter you can read more about our two most recent acquisitions – BS Telecom Solutions and Smarttek. You can also find the stories, among others, on Payten’s recent implementations of SoftPOS solutions in ING bank in Romania and Hipotekarna banka in Montenegro and about the equity based crowd funding project in Turkey, where Payten’s virtual POS company Paratika manages the online payment system and which has already achieved record breaking results. The project is aiming to achieve EUR 12.5 million funding in 2022.
We continue to develop innovative products, improving efficiency day by day, expanding to new areas of competences and new geographic markets. In 2022 we will pursue our strategy to grow recurring and transactional business and to increase the share of own product and solutions in the sales structure of the ASEE Group including Payten.
Help for Ukraine
Let me take this opportunity to express my and ASEE Group (including Payten) solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people whose country has been invaded in February by the Russians. Many of our employees are involved in helping Ukrainian refugees through financial contribution and even more important with their time, working as volunteers, renting place for them to live, sharing own apartments. At the company level we have just launched a donation project involving both our employees and company’s funds to support most urgent needs of a growing number of refugees in Poland such as lifesaving medicine, hygienic products, education of children, renting space for social and educational activities. I would like to thank all those contributing and willing to contribute in the future.
Piotr Jeleński
ASEE & Payten CEO