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Financial Highlights - consolidated

  1. Quarterly data in xls format
Financial Highlights - consolidated 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Sales revenues 396 864 362 720 333 916 250 497 229 426 204 875 157 110 134 487 130 411 116 423
Operating profit 52 681 49 909 46 060 39 327 32 553 25 511 17 456 15 517 12 976 12 688
Pre-tax profit 58 376 56 406 50 810 42 003 31 662 25 565 18 294 15 882 13 933 12 824
Net profit for the reporting period 47 555 46 005 41 803 33 650 26 412 21 142 15 167 12 874 11 762 10 414
Total assets 541 756 467 297 398 639 332 614 299 274 294 023 231 917 216 344 216 296 199 467
Total liabilities 287 789 219 173 159 934 120 604 101 417 105 997 52 609 46 883 48 915 37 714
Non-current liabilities 130 629 61 159 39 418 32 051 24 559 29 536 5 178 6 931 6 691 6 893
Current liabilities 157 160 158 013 120 517 88 553 76 857 76 461 47 431 39 952 42 224 30 821
Equity 253 967 248 124 238 705 212 010 197 857 188 027 179 308 169 461 167 381 161 753
Share capital** 121 447 114 598 110 689 113 368 112 452 121 860 121 620 122 256 118 597 121 775
Number of shares 51.894.251 51.894.251 51.894.251 51.894.251 51.894.251 51.894.251 51.894.251 51.894.251 51.894.251 51.894.251
Paid out dividend (in PLN '000) 75 765 66 425 51 894 38 401 26 985 24 909 21 796 20 758
Paid out dividend per ordinary share (in PLN) 1.46 1.28 1,00 0,74 0,52 0,48 0,42 0,40

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All in EUR '000 unless otherwise stated.

* Data after restatement

** PLN 518 943 000