Zagrebačka Banka Implemented HCE Solution for Contactless Payments Developed by Asseco SEE Experts

Zagrebačka banka, a Unicredit Group member and the biggest bank in Croatia, has started offering to its clients contactless payments through POS terminals by means of Android mobile phones.
The HCE solution they have chosen for the provision of this innovative service has been developed and implemented by the Asseco SEE team of experts.
Zagrebačka banka (ZABA) became the first bank in Croatia that digitized the MasterCard card inside a mobile wallet. The new mobile wallet has been integrated with the existing mobile banking application, mZaba, which was previously developed by Asseco SEE experts as well.
The best technological partner to the banks
With the implementation of this innovative Asseco SEE solution, the bank may no longer need to reissue the existing MasterCard cards with contactless support. This results in a faster time to market and a lower contactless card reissuing cost. All Asseco HCE components are certified by MasterCard and installed in the ZABA environment. Asseco SEE’s goal is to be the best technological partner to the banks, so we have also provided ZABA with support in terms of the MasterCard certification process.
Customer experience excellence
Asseco SEE’s team has worked together with ZABA to come up with the best possible customer experience for end customers. As a result, end customers have smooth customer experience without the need to provide additional cardholder ID&V (Identification and Verification). Asseco SEE is also a WS (Wallet Service) provider which offers hassle-free customer experience of a mobile wallet integrated inside the existing mobile banking application and customized to each client’s needs.
And what about security?
The Asseco HCE solution meets MasterCard’s high security standards. Currently, Asseco SEE is one of the six companies in the world that have a fully certified MCBP 1.0+ solution consisting of the server and the client side. The solution is implemented on the Issuer’s premises as an alternative to a hosting solution. The benefits of that kind of integration include Issuer’s control of transaction cost uncertainty and avoidance of hosted solution costs. Nevertheless, the Asseco HCE solution can be offered as a hosting solution. A user can authorize a payment by using the same mechanisms as with a physical payment card – by entering the PIN or signing the slip. The payment can also be authorized by using authentication mechanisms such as fingerprint recognition, Mobile PIN, swipe or pattern.
The future of endless possibilities
With its HCE solution Asseco SEE is able to deliver to its partners an integral certified solution, including a client application as well as all necessary server components. Asseco HCE mobile app can be delivered as a standalone mobile application, white-label wallet or it can be integrated into the existing mobile banking apps.